Lennie Varvarides

Lennie Varvarides is a British Playwright who also runs Missfit Productions,[1] which put on The Write Side of The Brain in 2006,[2] featuring Kisscumkiss directed by Hugh Allison[3] and The Boxes by Morgan Lloyd Malcolm.[4]

Varvaides has acted on occasion, including performing at the Etcetera Theatre.[5] She claims to enjoy acting from the stand point of exploring the way people interact, but feels more creative as a writer or director.[6]


  1. ^ "Linked In". http://www.linkedin.com/pub/dir/lennie/varvarides. Retrieved 2009-07-07. 
  2. ^ "Write Side of The Brain". http://www.missfitproductions.org/writesideofthebrain.htm. Retrieved 2007-11-25. 
  3. ^ "Write Side of The Brain". http://www.missfitproductions.org/writesideofthebrain.htm. Retrieved 2007-11-25. 
  4. ^ "DHA Clients". http://www.davidhigham.co.uk/html/Clients/Morgan_Lloyd_Malcolm. Retrieved 2009-07-07. 
  5. ^ "Casting Call Pro". http://www.uk.castingcallpro.com/u/69730. Retrieved 2009-07-07. 
  6. ^ "A Lost Creative". http://www.alostcreative.org/newlennie.htm. Retrieved 2009-07-07.